Cast Stone, GFRC for SMU Simmons Hall Project: Golden Trowel Award, 2017

SMU Simmons Hall Cast Stone, GFRC, Precast Concrete | 2016 CSI Awards for Manufacturing Excellence, Design Excellence
Advanced Architectural Stone (AAS) won manufacturing excellence award for SMU Simmons Hall project.
The front face cladding using cast stone used oversize cast stone columns that have height of all four floors of the building. Large size stone pieces for this were designed using detailed CAD drawings and custom molds.
Design elements at higher elevation were developed using GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete).
Portico with architectural stone on side of the building adds unique aesthetic appeal to the building. The columns in the portico were inset into a radius wall using custom curvature on the inside. Complex curved cast stone pieces fit together seamlessly without carving or retrofitting. AAS provided a detailed layout or setting plan that showed how all the pieces joined together for the construction.
Learn more with the SMU Simmons Hall case study >>